Is It OK to Have a 1.5-Page Resume?
Is a 1.5-page resume OK? Read expert opinion about why a 1.5-page resume is bad, and learn how to make a 1.5-page resume into a 1-page format.
We've got answers for all the questions you may have to make the best resume, CV or cover letter, to ace an interview and more. Zety is your go-to Career FAQ.
Is a 1.5-page resume OK? Read expert opinion about why a 1.5-page resume is bad, and learn how to make a 1.5-page resume into a 1-page format.
Why complicate things when you can write the simplest resume and still get the job? Find out what the simplest resume is and how to write it here.
Willing to support the Zety brand and earn a commission through an affiliate program? Find out all the details about how to partner with Zety here.
Deciding if you should use the same template for your resume and cover letter? Find out if it’s a good idea to have a matching resume and cover letter template.
Is Zety a scam? In a nutshell: it’s definitely not. See what makes Zety a trustworthy website, so you can decide for yourself if you want to try it out.
Learn how to put a logo on a resume to make your job application more visually appealing. Check what’s the best place to put your logo on a resume.
Do you want to use Zety’s online resume builder and wonder if a free trial is available? Find out all the details about getting a Zety trial in this article.
Are you unsure how to describe leadership on your resume? Learn how to list the right skills and effectively prove your leadership qualities to the recruiter.
You’ve fixed some typos in your resume or improved the old version a bit. Is it unprofessional to send an updated resume for the same job? Read & find out.
Does Zety refund your money if you’re not happy with the services? Yes, it does, under certain conditions. Here’s a short summary of Zety's refund policy.
Is Zety reliable? It definitely is—thousands of reviewers confirm that. Learn what makes Zety a reliable website featuring a resume and cover letter builder.
Not sure if you should use the resume builder provided by USAJOBS? Find out if that’s the best way to go for your resume-writing scenario.
Think you should omit some jobs in your resume? Not sure when to remove jobs from a resume and not have it backfire? We know the answer.
Wondering what is the right resume length for an executive? See what experts have to say and learn how long a resume for an executive should be.
While preparing for a job interview, a thought popped up in your head: “Should I bring a resume if I have no experience?” Now read what experts have to say.
Wondering if you have to explain relevant coursework on your resume? Find out when describing coursework on your resume makes sense and why.
Need to write a resume quickly, but not sure how to do it? We know the answer. Learn how to write a quick resume, so it finds its way to your recruiter’s desk.
Some simple formatting tricks will help you make a one-page resume with Zety. Check these tips to help save space and fit your resume template on one page.
So you don’t know how to edit your resume? There are plenty of ways. You just need to pick the best one for you. See what you can do in this quick guide.
Not sure what kind of resumes employers prefer these days? We have the stats! Read on to get the top advice on employer resume anticipations.
Want to convey a stronger message by using power words for your resume? Find a list of power words below, plus some other useful resources.
How to make a pretty resume? It’s easy, as long as you know the rules. Just follow our advice and make your resume look pretty in just a few clicks.
Want to add a LinkedIn icon to your resume but not sure how to do it? Learn how to add it to your resume header by following the instructions below.
What makes a resume unique, and how do you write one? Plus, why can’t you write a one-fits-all resume? We’ve got the answer to those questions.
Applying for jobs and wishing to know when companies hire the most? Learn which months are the best for job-hunting and when your chances are the highest!
What are the characteristics of a resume that is successful and lands you interviews? Find out the 5 features that lead to the best results in no time.
Not sure if your resume should have a cover page? We have a definitive answer. Find out why it’s imperative to have a cover page for your resume.
Do you need a resume to interview with the company you’re now working for? Find the answer below to decide if a resume is required for an internal interview.
Contemplating whether you should add a header to your resume or not? We have the answer to help you decide if a resume header on a resume is required.
Not sure if you should feature your hobbies or interests on your resume? Can it do more harm than good? Find out when adding interests to your resume can help.
Don’t worry—Zety doesn’t steal your information. Check this short summary of Zety’s privacy policy to understand why your information is safe.
Need a few different resumes to maximize the chances of getting a job? See if you can make multiple resumes with Zety resume builder and save time.
You’re proud of getting your well-deserved MBA. But how do you list MBA on a resume? Check how to write an MBA on a resume and get the best jobs.
Check the key elements of an infographic resume and learn what should an infographic resume include before you start creating a highly visual job application.
Trying to decide which is better for you, CV or resume? Let’s see which one works for your particular situation based on what we know about these two documents.
Thinking about adding hyperlinks to your resume? Find out if you can—and whether you should—add hyperlinks to your resume using Zety resume builder.
Should this be on your resume? Is there information you should avoid? You’re about to find out what to exclude to create a job-winning resume.
Not sure if a 10-point font is too small a font size for your resume? Wonder what font size should a resume be? Find your answer in this short guide.
Applying for a job while in high school can be difficult. Learn how a teenager can write a resume with no job experience based on our expert tips.
Unsure about the structure and overall formatting of your resume? Find the best resume checker online to learn about the improvements you could make.
Zety may print your resume wrong if your printer settings don’t match the document settings. Check these easy fixes to get your resume printed properly.
Decided to change your career and unsure which resume will give you the best results? We know just the answer to what the best resume for changing careers is!
Done creating your resumes and cover letters and looking for a way to delete your Zety account? Here’s a complete guide on your possible next steps.
Trying to purchase a Zety subscription, but your payment is being refused? Don’t worry. Read on to find out what to do if Zety rejects your payment.
Not sure if putting icons on your resume will help? We know whether adding resume icons is a good idea or not—find out in this article.
Thinking about what a combination resume is used for and whether it’s a good option for you? Let’s see what the criteria are for choosing the hybrid format.
Need to email your cover letter and resume, but don’t know what the email should say? Our guidelines on how to email your resume and cover letter will help.
Does Zety make your resume publicly available? It depends on your choices. Learn when can Zety publish your resume and why it can be beneficial for you.
Is including months on a resume necessary, or will it just take up space? Find out the best formatting for dates and if adding months to your resume is a must.
Do you need to put references on your resume? If so, how many references are obligatory on a resume, three or more? Let’s find out what the best strategy is.
Creating your resume using Zety’s resume builder and wondering if changing the page size is possible? Find the answer you’re looking for here.
Writing an entry-level resume and deciding whether you require a resume summary for it? Read on to find out if you need something else instead.
Looking for free resume templates, but not sure where you can find them? We got you covered with our collection of free templates to choose from.
Is “resume” spelled with a capital R? Make sure you know how the word resume is spelled correctly before you send your job application to your recruiter.
Want to know if it’s possible to save your Zety resume while working on it? Learn how to save your resume as you’re creating it in the Zety resume builder.
Want to add a good hobby to your resume but not sure which to choose? Check out these suggestions, see what aspects to consider, and make up your mind.
What are the four different types of resumes? Our career expert describes the four types of resumes and explains the differences between them.
Should your resume be 1 page or 2 pages to make an impact? Which is better in your situation? Learn how to make the right choice and the right impression.
Looking for the best resume design? We have tips for choosing the best design for your resume that will deliver the right message and impress recruiters.
Is a 3-page resume too long? Learn when using a three-page resume is acceptable and why a three-page resume can work against you in most cases.
Writing a resume but don’t have experience? Struggling to find examples of professional experience for your entry-level resume? We’ll help.
Need to describe your computer skills during an interview, but not sure how? Find out how to approach talking about your computer skills in a job interview.
Contemplating whether using Google Docs to create your resume is a good idea? Find out the pros and cons of using Google Docs resume templates here.
Looking for ways to replace “worked” on your resume to make it more impressive for recruiters? We have a whole lot of options and power verb suggestions.
Want to tweak the resume you’ve created with Zety? Learn if it’s possible to modify your resume after downloading it from our online builder.
Confused by the language levels to use on your resume? Not sure what language levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2 stand for? Find out the answer.
Wondering what the average resume length is because you want yours to be just right? We know exactly how long your resume should be, based on your experience.
Are you wondering what’s the easiest way to format your resume? We’ve got the answer for you! Learn about the most common resume format and get the job done.
Wondering what a fun resume is and if you should choose it for your job application? Read on to find out if applying with a fun resume is a good idea.
Want your resume to look professional? We know how to achieve that. Here, you’ll learn about the most important points of a professional-looking resume.
How crucial are typos in a cover letter? What if you notice you made a typo when your email is already out? Read on to find out how to fix it.
You can write your perfect resume in many ways, but only those seven steps will get you where you want—the interview. Learn what they are here.
Do functional resumes work? Is it the right format for you to use at your career stage? Here you’ll find out when functional resumes are a good choice.
Want to say that you’re a team player on your resume, but feel like this term is overused? Learn how to replace the phrase team player on your resume.
See whether it’s possible to transfer resumes between different accounts on Zety. Learn how to upload a resume from a different Zety account to yours.
You’ve heard about ATS resume scanners, and now you’re asking yourself: can I run my resume through ATS? Get your answer quickly with this post.
In two minds about putting tutoring experience on your resume or not? Read on to see the benefits of highlighting a tutoring background on a resume.
Yes, Zety cover letters are good. Why? Because they’re not only professional but also super easy to make. See full pros and cons of Zety cover letters here.
Have you created a resume using Zety and are now looking for ways to export it? Here’s a breakdown of how you can download your Zety resume for free.
Wondering how to make yourself sound good on a resume to appeal to employers? The following tips will help you sound better and stand out from the competition.
Will hiding keywords in your resume boost your chances of getting an interview? Is hiding keywords in a resume worth the risk? Read on to find out.
Struggling with how to write the “about me” section of your resume? We got you covered. In this short guide, you’ll find the answer you’ve been looking for.
As a pharmacist, should you use a CV or a resume? Read on to find out the difference and choose the most suitable option for your particular scenario.
Should you list an associate degree on a resume? This short article has the answer. Read and learn when you should list your associate degree on a resume.
Deciding to cancel your subscription with Zety? Find out how to do it here, but don't forget to take advantage of all Zety has to offer.
Wondering how to put social media on a resume to appear professional? Learn listing social media on your resume to present your best qualities to employers.
Working on your resume in Zety’s online builder and want to switch between templates? Learn how to change the style of your resume easily and seamlessly.
Looking for the 12 core competencies to put on your resume to attract recruiters? Here’s a list of core competencies for your application.
Not sure about how to print your resume if you want to present it on paper? We have the know-how for printing your resume, choosing the right paper, and more.
Need to feature a board membership on your resume, but not sure how to do it? Read on to find out how to properly list a board membership on a resume.
Do you know how to put a minor on your resume? We do! And we’ll tell you everything you need to know about it never to make a mistake again.
You’ve heard of professional resume writing services. But how much does resume writing cost? Read this short guide and find out what choice you have.
Not sure what a resume letterhead is and what it should include? Read on to find what a letterhead for a resume looks like and how you can write yours.
You didn’t know Microsoft Word had free resume templates to download until now. Learn how to navigate the Microsoft Word application and website to find them.
Can you make a free resume on the phone? Learn how to make a free resume on your phone quickly and easily using free resume builder apps—no need to use a laptop!
Need to write a cover letter quickly? Here are the best tips for writing a cover letter when you’re pressed for time and get great results.
Looking for the best resume format for ATS to boost your chances of finding a job? Learn what resume format is best for ATS, according to career experts.
Need to put Summa Cum Laude in your cover letter, but not sure how to go about it? Read on to find easy ways to put Summa Cum Laude in your cover letter.
Is paying for a resume builder worth it, or could you easily do without it? You’re about to find out what you should do next time and why it’s a good call.
“How do I make my own resume?” is a valid question when preparing a job application. Learn how to make your own resume based on our career experts’ advice.
Would you like to make a resume on your iPhone, but not sure if it’s possible? Find out how to create a resume right from the comfort of your iPhone.
Is Zety resume free? Enter the short article to learn the most important facts about Zety’s services, including whether Zety’s resume builder is free.
You’ve heard people praising LaTeX, and now you’re wondering: is LaTeX good for resume writing? Check the benefits of LaTeX resumes and decide for yourself.
So now you know. Discover where to locate a resume template on Google Docs to use it for free. You’ll also find our top picks to download for Google Docs.