Lots of people want to be resident assistants. Lots apply. The problem? Your RA resume must show you’re more responsible than Stephen Covey. But your resident assistant resume doesn't seem up to par. How can you compete?
Worry not, we’re here to advise you.
One of our users, Brittanya, had this to say:
Zety really helped me create the best resume possible. It pointed out how things could be better on my existing resume and suggested many things to be re-worded or removed.
Wondering how to put resident assistant on a resume? Try these guides:
Writing your first resume? Need a little help? These guides have your back:
Want to check out other college jobs? Are you sure you should be writing an RA resume? Try these guides:
Resident Assistant Resume Example Jaxon Foster
Resident Assistant
Highly motivated Resident Assistant with over 5 years of experience. Seeking to support ResideEase Assistance in creating a safe, educational, and engaging living environment for residents by leveraging expertise in managing dormitory-based issues. Reduced dormitory conflict incidents by 30% through proactive conflict resolution strategies.
Resident Assistant
DormMasters Services, Hattiesburg, MS
June 2019–Present
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
Managing a residence hall of 60 students, resolving conflicts and maintaining a healthy living environment. Organizing and executing monthly educational and social programs for dormitory residents. Creating and enforcing community standards and housing policies. Documenting dormitory issues and conflicts. Key Achievement:
Reduced dormitory conflict incidents by 30% through proactive conflict resolution strategies. Resident Assistant
LivingCraft Assistance, Hattiesburg, MS
June 2018–May 2019
Key Qualifications & Responsibilities
Conducted regular room inspections to ensure compliance with housing policies. Assisted the 50 residents in understanding and following residence hall procedures. Provided academic support and study resources to 10 residents. Key Achievement:
Organized and facilitated 15+ social and educational programs for residents. Education
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
August 2016–May 2020
Relevant extracurricular activities
President, Student Government Association Member, Psychology Club Skills
Strong communication skills Crisis management Policy enforcement Programming and event planning Conflict resolution skills Knowledge of student development theory Computer competency Certifications
First Aid, American Red Cross, 2018 Awards
2019, Resident Assistant of the Year, DormMasters Services Memberships
Member of the National Residence Hall Honorary since 2017
Delivered a lecture on Conflict Resolution during the 2019 NRHH Conference, New York. Languages
English—Native proficiency Interests
Community volunteer work: Organized local fundraising events for mental health programs. Maintain a personal blog on student life and dorm living tips. 1
What's the Best Format for a Resident Assistant Resume? Format, shmormat, why do you care?
Because a good resident assistant resume format fast-lanes you to the HD’s eyes.
Put it this way—
Let’s say you’re up against a candidate with the same qualifications. Her name’s Claire.
Nice word art tattoo.
She’s got all the same experience. You’re identical!
But you hide your best features behind poor formatting. Claire doesn’t.
Which resident advisor resume gets the job?
That’s right.
The one that didn’t make the HD work.
Your best friend is the reverse-chronological resume format . It highlights your most recent wins.
Keep it in line with the best resume fonts , white space, and big headings.
Export it as a PDF. A resident assistant resume PDF won’t flake out when it leaves home.
But check the job ad too. Some say “PDFs Keep Out.”
Want to do some independent study on resident assistant resume format? See our guide: Best Resume Format for Your Needs [3+ to Choose from]
The Secret to the Resident Assistant Resume Objective Meet the HD. His name’s Jeff.
On his desk, near his Darth Vader coffee mug, sits a laptop stuffed with 50 RA resumes.
He’s got nine meetings and a pile of trainings to attend.
Here’s what he’s thinking as he picks up your resident advisor resume:
“Is this worth reading?”
Answer with a resident assistant resume objective.
The secret?
A resume objective used to say, “I’m passionate. I promise I’ll be great. Please hire me.”
Today’s RA resume objectives need to offer something more concrete.
Let’s look at two resident assistant resume examples.
Resident Assistant Resume Examples [Resume Summaries] Why does the first of our resident assistant resume samples flunk the smell test?
wrong Friendly resident assistant with proven skills in leadership, conflict resolution, documentation, and interpersonal skills. Seeking position as resident assistant at Indiana University. Very hard worker and eager to handle all resident assistant duties.
That’s not exactly peeping-Tom level, but it won’t get the Hall Director nodding.
So—do it like the next of our resident assistant resume examples:
right Dependable resident assistant applicant with proven interpersonal skills, looking to provide exemplary service to IU students and staff. Demonstrated leadership skills as captain of high school swim team, Eagle Scout, B.S.A. patrol leader, and shift leader at Pizza Hut. Excels at conflict resolution and documentation.
That’s an A+.
You didn’t just say, “Gimme.” Instead, you got the HD to say, “Holy cow, he’s responsible.”
Pro Tip: How long should a resume be for an RA? Almost always one page. Longer resumes are for people with long work histories.
When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a professional resume template here for free .
When you’re done, our easy resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.
Why avoid first-person pronouns like I, me, my in a resume for resident assistant jobs? See our guide:
+20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them on Your Resume
Resident Assistant Job Description on a Resume: Experience Section Experience?
What experience?!?
You're an RA applicant, not a career machine operator.
But you’ve got to show you’re as dependable as Tom Hanks or Emma Watson.
So here’s the magic.
When you can’t list tons of jobs, show lots of positions.
Have you played on sports teams? Been in clubs? Done fun projects?
There’s your resident advisor resume experience.
Put your most recent front-and-center. Add 3-5 resume bullet points .
Write them like the next of our professional resident assistant resume examples.
Resident Assistant Resume Examples [Experience] This first sample resident assistant resume experience section aces it:
right Cook, Shift Leader
Pizza Hut
In charge of team of four line cooks. Performed monthly training and disciplinary actions. Commended 4x by management for interpersonal skills. Eagle Scout, Patrol Leader
Boy Scouts of America, Troop 133
Patrol leader of 7 Scouts during meetings and overnight outings. Organized logistics for longer trips. Led 7 Scouts during 26 community service projects. Completed Eagle Scout project to collect 1,200 pints of blood from community. Founder, Fortnite Server
Founded game server network averaging 20,000 logins/month. Generated $3,500 in profit per year. Built and led team of 15+ volunteers for community management tasks.
Crushed it. Those hobbies are like mini-jobs.
You didn’t list “Eagle Scout” in a single bullet, like it doesn’t matter. You showed why it’ll make you a Sun Yang-level RA.
But put those accomplishments on probation, and:
wrong Cook, Shift Leader
Pizza Hut
Prepared pizzas, worked as shift leader. Responsible for adhering to company standards. Opened up restaurant in morning. Additional Activities
Eagle Scout. Created my own Fortnite server.
That resume for resident assistants should’ve stayed in bed.
Is this easy?
No. You’ll need to do some head-scratching.
But unless you watched TV your whole life, you can make a great resident assistant resume.
How to Show Resident Assistant ON a Resume Oh.
You want to know how to show RA on a resume.
If you’re applying for your first job out of college, don’t miss our entry-level resume guide .
Then, dig for buried treasure in your resident assistant experience.
Pretend the job you’re applying to wants skills in (1) Leadership, (2) MS Excel, and (3) Conflict Resolution.
Do this with your resume bullet points:
Resident Assistant
Indiana University
Worked as student (1) leader while maintaining 15+ credit hours and a 3.8 GPA. Handled disciplinary actions, supervision, and managed student events. Peacefully (3) resolved 35+ tense student conflicts. Worked with students to reach mutually beneficial outcomes. Used (2) MS Excel to create pivot tables that identified student needs, resulting in better roommate and floor placements and 30% less conflicts dorm-wide. You’re in like Daenerys Targaryen.
You showed each skill the job requires. Numbers like “35+” and “30%” prove you nailed it.
What makes a good resident assistant? Check out this post from Clarke University .
Pro Tip: When should you stick something in a Hobbies section on a resume for resident assistant jobs? When there aren’t enough achievements in it to make a separate section.
Don’t put the HD on quiet hours with boring language in your RA resume. Make him sit up straight with action words. See our guide: 240 Resume Action Words & Power Words to Make Your Resume Shine
Is Your Education Section Flunking? It Might Be How much does education matter on a resident assistant resume?
Let’s get back to Jeff, our Resident Director.
He’s reading a stack of RA resumes and sipping cocoa.
Mmm. Tiny marshmallows.
He merely glances at the education section on each resume. After all, this isn’t rocket science.
Education doesn’t matter.
Then this happens:
He looks at your resume. The education section stops him in mid-sip.
He picks up the phone.
What did you do right?
You used your resident advisor resume education section like a master key.
Of course show:
School Name and Location Years in School Degree But here’s the superpower:
Fill it with achievements that take you off the wait list.
The next resident assistant resume examples show how.
Resident Assistant Resume Examples [Education] Both these resident assistant resume samples are for the same job.
right Wayne High School
Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Vice President, student government. Captain, Varsity Swim Team
Kept team morale high, contributing to school record 3rd place in State Meet. Led all stretches and warmups. Assisted coaches with creating plans for practices and workouts.
That’s no slacker, hoping to earn free money for watching TV.
No HD will be able to resist a resident assistant resume example like that.
Now suspend those details:
wrong Wayne High School
Yipe. That resident assistant resume example needs a good advisor.
Pro Tip: You can stretch an education section as long as you like to get a one-page RA resume. Add big headings to each project to draw the RD’s eye.
How long can your education section be on a resume for resident assistant jobs? See our guide: How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]
How to Put Skills on a Resume for a Resident Assistant What resident assistant resume skills will get you hired? How should you show them?
Don’t just copy-paste a list of skills.
That’s sophomoric.
Instead ask, what does an RA do at your school?
Talk to the RAs and even the HD. If you can’t call, email. Learn the resident assistant skills they value most.
If there’s a written job offer, troll that for the right skills.
What next?
Prove those skills in your RA resume bullet points.
The resident assistant resume examples below lead the way.
Resident Assistant Resume Examples [Skills] Let’s say Jeff put these skills in the resident assistant job description:
Required Resident Assistant Skills: 1) Community-Building, 2) Safety Policy Enforcement, 3) Leadership
Of course put them in your resident assistant resume skills list.
Then do this:
Founder, Leader, Johns Heights Model Rocketry Club
(1) Founded 10-member model rocketry club.(2) Organized inventory purchases, logistics, construction, and launch days.Ensured adherence to all National Association of Rocketry (3) safety codes. If you do that, your interview requests will fill a dormitory.
The resident assistant skills for resumes below will get you oriented.
List of Skills to Put on a Resident Assistant Resume This skills list is full of great resume keywords .
Again, don’t copy-paste. Find the skills in the resident assistant job description.
Resident Assistant Resume Skills Soft Skills
Hard Skills
Conflict Resolution
Interpersonal Skills
MS Office
Problem Solving
Computer Skills
Time Management
Assisting Residents
Providing Feedback
Recommending Discipline
Pro Tip: Never lie on an RA resume. Lying can help you get the interview, but the RD will see through fibs like study lounge windows during the interview.
What universal skills do all employers want on a resume for resident assistant jobs? See our guide: +30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)
Add Extracurricular Activities to Your Resume You can’t turn in a half-page resident advisor resume.
You’d get laughed out of the quad.
Mature your RA resume with special "other" sections that stand out like a cherry red Ferrari.
Look at the next two sample resident assistant resume sections.
Resident Assistant Resume Examples [Other Sections] The next of our resident assistant resume examples passes out in the rotunda:
wrong Clubbing. Going to Justin Bieber concerts. Playing “Gurps.”
Hey bro, let’s party. But first let me hire a good RA.
Instead, write other sections on a resume for resident assistant jobs like:
right Certification
"Leading Through Compassion" Young Leaders Blog. Created video on conflict resolution that got 75,000+ YouTube views. Additional Activities
Volunteer 2x per month at Ramps Run Homeless Shelter. Run and cross-country ski for fitness and self-care. Volunteer mentor 1x per month, White River Children's Home.
That’s like Harry Potter with an undergrad degree.
Pro Tip: Don’t just talk about a leadership position in a resident assistant resume. Discuss how it helped you serve the people in your charge.
Need some hobby examples for your resume for resident assistant jobs? See our guide: +20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)
What About a Resident Assistant Cover Letter? “I thought I didn’t need to send a cover letter with my resident assistant resume!”
Cover letters are old school. But so are a lot of HDs.
That means you need to write a cover letter. But don’t make it like the rest.
Use the HD’s name.
Show you know what it takes to be a good RA.
Show you have those great RA skills.
This short example resident assistant cover letter lays the ground rules:
I love helping people. That’s the main reason I want to be a resident assistant at IU. That’s why as an Eagle Scout I led a patrol of 7 other Scouts through 26 community service projects and multiple wilderness outings. It’s also why...
Always end a cover letter by offering something. Try, “I’d value the opportunity to discuss how I built an active community of 20,000 Fortnite players."
Pro Tip: Do you have experience building any kind of community, even a small one? That looks great on a resident assistant resume.
Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here's what it may look like:
See more cover letter templates and start writing.
What two little letters on a resident assistant cover letter can get you noticed? (It’s not “Dr.”) See our guide: How to Write a Cover Letter for an Application in 8 Steps (12+ Examples)
Do This Before You Add Contact Info to a Resume Freshman mistake!
Contact info on a resume for RAs isn’t easy.
Start with:
Full Name Updated Phone Number Professional Email Address Like this:
Donnie Nesselrode, Resident Assistant Applicant, donnie.q.nesselrode@gmail.com, 317-450-4082 A "professional email address," is john.doe@gmail.com. Don’t use JimmyVodkaBoyDog234984u@yahoo.com.
But here’s the kicker:
Check your social media presence for exploding kittens that could sink your RA resume.
I’m talking about compromising Facebook pics or obnoxious opinions. Anything that could get you tossed.
Pro Tip: Do you lack leadership experience for a resume for resident assistant jobs? Watch some Lynda tutorials and list them in a special “Courses” section.
What’s the best way to email a resident assistant resume? See our guide: How to Write a Resume that Gets You a Job (20+ Examples)
Key Takeaway Here’s a recap of how to write a resident assistant resume:
Start with a resident assistant resume objective . Add 2–3 achievements that snap the RD’s head around like a bullhorn.Make resume bullets that fit the job like a bunk bed in a double. Pepper them with measurable accomplishments.Add other sections that show all sides of your personality. List certifications, hobbies, publications, self-care, and volunteering in your RA resume.Write a resident assistant cover letter. Use it to show you know what the job is all about and why you’ll the best resident assistant since Batman’s Alfred.Do you have questions on how to write a great resume for a resident assistant? Not sure how to describe your skills or achievements? Give us a shout in the comments! We’d be happy to reply.